Members: Andrew Garrett, Sue Collins, Judy Joseph, Mary Emrich, Paul Cromheecke, Jeannine Totzke and Bill Card. 

The Committee convened for two months by teleconferencing while the Chair was out of town but now all are meeting face to face.  During that time ground work was laid for the documents we must prepare.  That preparation began with meeting one on one with worshipers after church – thank you!  Briefly, those discussions confirmed what we all suspected: we are a welcoming, inclusive church, talented and non-judgmental.  The future, if we could fashion it, would have more community groups utilizing our facility, continued outreach proportionate to our resources and labor, and a greater media profile in the Harbor Country.  Folks said they come back for the liturgy, community and encouragement.

We are drafting the Ministry Profile of who we are at Mediator.  This document will become part of the electronic data base at the Diocese which will be viewed by those seeking a position within the Diocese.

We are drafting a second document, Parish Profile, which describes us in greater detail which includes our history, our ministries, our community and the services extended to our community – in narrative form and photographs.  This rich description is the document on which a prospective applicant frequently bases their decision to look further.

We are preparing a Rector Profile Survey for each parishioner to complete, helping us to develop the profile with the broadest representation of how we wish to be led.  These comments will also help shape the questions for our candidate interviews.

We anticipate rolling out each of the documents in May.  The acceptance of these documents is required by the Diocese and once accepted the active search process begins.

We encourage you to speak with any committee member throughout this process.

Thank you for your prayers.