All are welcome!

Sunday 10:30am in the Sanctuary
Tuesday 12:00pm in the Chapel
Thursday 8:00pm on Zoom
Church Office  269.469.1441

The Episcopal Church of the Mediator welcomes all people as children of God, wherever you are on your journey of faith. We welcome all people to our church regardless of sexual identity, orientation, race or ethnicity. We believe that God loves us.
We envision a Christian community grounded in the Word of God and energized by the Holy Spirit to seek God’s presence in all creation. A haven where all are welcome to grow in faith through worship, reflection and education. Where we use all that God has given us to encourage one another to follow Christ in lives of service to others.

The Arts, News, and Newsletters

Come unto me all ye who travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.

Matthew 25:11-16

Visiting Us

At the Episcopal Church of the Mediator, you are welcome! We are pleased to invite individuals, groups, and families to join in our services, our ministries, and the community events we engage in.

Church with Children!

We are an all-ages congregation, and we understand that everyone has a vital role to play in our church community. For that reason, we do not exclude children from the sanctuary. 

Outreach and Ministries

The Episcopal Church encourages its members to participate in ministries that serve our faith family and our broader communities. Our ministries rely on the support we give each other to carry on.

Nourishing all through worship, study, and love, according to our baptismal covenant.

At baptism, we agree to help one another and all people to live well—to live good lives, and to live in peace and understanding, seeking harmony and always striving toward becoming the people that God has made us capable of being. We study and worship as Jesus directed us, always mindful that, while we will never be perfect, we have the blessing of knowing His example, and the opportunity to try again and again to be His love in this world.

Striving to serve our parish, families, community, and our world.

Ours is a fellowship of service as well as worship. We recognize our place in our world as people who are called to serve, to use the resources at hand to make our world better for each other, and for future generations to come.

Come Visit Us!

We are part of a unique Lake Michigan community just a short drive from New Buffalo, MI on Red Arrow Highway. We are also conveniently close to another lakeshore community, Saint Joseph.