We are an all-ages congregation, and we understand that everyone has a vital role to play in our church community. For that reason, we do not exclude children from the sanctuary. In fact, you will find “busy bags” and toys in the vestibule just outside the sanctuary to keep the little ones engaged during the service. The restrooms are equipped with changing tables, as well.
Our floor is smooth and level, so walkers and wheelchairs can move through the sanctuary with ease.
Sunday school is offered as learning units, and when available, is announced in the bulletin.
A nursery room is available on the 2nd floor across from the parish office. If you need an attendant for your child, please check with the ushers to see if one is available.
If you are nursing, you are welcome in the sanctuary, or feel free to use one of the comfortable chairs in the coffee area or robing room. An usher is happy to show you to a comfortable area.