Arts of Mediator is a program of the Episcopal Church of the Mediator and is supported by a grant from The Bishop Whittemore Foundation .

A Recap Through Photos
Our History
In the summer of 2021 and within the community of our church, Jan Anderson, Julie Bender, and Phyllis Norris began an active ministry through visual art. Arts of Mediator began with the creation of the Tiny Art Gallery of Mediator.
Similar in structure to our Little Library, the Tiny Art Gallery (or TAG, for short) was built by Bill Card.
The TAG is conveniently located along Lake Shore Road (behind the church) and next to our Little Library. Parking is available along Lake Shore Road or in our parking lot accessible off Red Arrow Hwy.
To continue reading and learning about the History, click here.
Our Mission
To coordinate with the other Episcopal parishes of Southwest Michigan (South Haven, St. Joseph, and Benton Harbor) and to share display materials as well as works of art encouraging the mounting of exhibits or to borrow an exhibition. The project includes the following:
- Community Art Shows
- Inclusion in Harbor Country’s “Art Attack”
- Trainings for other churches / how to curate an exhibit
- Traveling visual art exhibit
Arts of Mediator is an affiliation of artists who are passionate about their work as a way to enhance spiritual experience.
To continue reading and learning about the Mission, click here.
Why are the Arts important to the church and the community?
Mother Darlene, our Rector, said, “It is self-expressing the world/God’s beauty in each individual’s artistic way. Personally, I feel heaven or one’s thought on the afterlife, can also be an extension of their art. I think it will be much more complex than what we see and experience here. I also personally feel connected sometimes, to loved ones who have passed while painting certain pieces. Each piece is a very personal, emotional, and meaningful journey. Joy, love, fulfillment, compassion, contentment, and expression are all happening while I create. It’s about a certain level of connection, a higher level of connection.”
Click here to continue reading Mother Darlene’s note.
The Gearen family, John, Ann and their daughter, Cameron, are members who are passionate about poetry.
Rich Hoffman, another Mediator member, enjoys writing poetry too.
Click the links below to continue reading about the Gearen family as well as reading two of Rich’s poems.
To learn more about the Gearen family and their poetry passion, click here.
To read Rich’s poems, click here.
Stay tuned for future performances in Mediator’s Sanctuary.
Mediator continues to be a proud supporter of the music arts with our partner, the School of American Music.
Click here to add this event to your Google or Outlook calendar.
Prayer for Artists
God, may you be born anew in our hearts, hands and minds. Bless us as we use our gifts.
In gratitude, we recognize the divine in all living things, to rich and poor, Jew and Gentile, professional and beginner.
Let our words and hearts be guided by our search for truth. Make us mindful of how you reveal yourself as love divine, hour by hour.
Lead us to revelation and insight; encourage us to never stop learning, growing and accepting change.
Help to heal our prejudice and blind spots.
Be with us as we strive to live in love, the true bond of peace and virtue, without which we are lost.
God, Creator, Truth, Lover, Divine Being. We rejoice as we learn to trust and honor our divine qualities. We worship with joyful spirits through our actions, connections and creations.
We join with the angels who proclaim in sound and sight, “Glory to God in the highest and peace to people on earth!”
Compiled and Written by Julie Bender with selections from The Book of Common Prayer BCP and Christianity Today, Jan. 7, 2022, What is Epiphany and is it a Biblical Holiday?
To learn more about Julie, click here for her website.
Come Visit Us!
We are part of a unique Lake Michigan community just a short drive from New Buffalo, MI on Red Arrow Highway. We are also conveniently close to another lakeshore community, Saint Joseph.