Altar Flower Donation/Dedication Form
Every Sunday of the year (except during Lent and Advent), beautiful flower arrangements are arranged and placed on the Altar by the Flower Guild. Did you know these arrangements are supported entirely by your special dedications? To make a dedication, print a copy of the form and return the...
Office Closing
Due to the weather, the office is closed on Tuesday, January 16. Please continue to check the website and Facebook page for updates. Thank you!
#10Trail Challenge
Mediator is participating in the Chikaming Open Lands #10Trail Challenge. Come out and walk/visit our trail located toward the wooded area past the Labyrinth. Check out Mother Darlene and Linda Anderson's photo on Facebook. Visit Chikaming Open Lands' Facebook page by clicking here. You can visit...
Discernment Weekend (Aug 11 – 13, 2023)
Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry? Have you been fighting that feeling? Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest? Are you interested in exploring a call to ordained...
Mediator Honored
On Saturday, June 17, Mediator and a few others were honored at the Neighbor by Neighbor Founders' Brunch. Click here to read the New Buffalo Times story. Be sure to scroll to pages 10-11 for the complete story with photos of the event. In addition, you can see some photos of Mediator members in...
The Episcopal Church Press Release Digest
Welcome to "The Episcopal Church Press Release Digest," a roundup of press releases, announcements, and other updates from the Office of Public Affairs. We encourage you to share this information in diocesan and church publications, on social media platforms, and in other networks with interest...