We Are Called to Strive for Justice and Peace, Join Us!

“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

 “I will, with God’s help.”  Holy Baptism BCP 305.

Yes, it’s right there in our Baptismal Covenant and there’s a group, right here in Southwest Michigan, where you can do this work! Episcopal Church of the Mediator is engaged in a peace and justice collaborative, Interfaith Action. Our parish, through member Glyn Durston’s faithful ministry, has been part of the founding group of faith communities to form Interfaith Action in 2018. Today, over twenty faith communities committed to peace and justice in Southwest Michigan from Allegan, Berrien, Cass and Van Buren Counties are part of Interfaith Action.

We are  stronger when we act together and you are invited. You are invited to engage in the work of justice and peace by participating in an Interfaith Action working group, attending an education forum or participating in an action event. The purposes of this collaborative effort:  First, to provide a mechanism for ongoing interfaith discussion, education and    action. Second, to facilitate resources and offer      opportunities for congregations and organizations to coalesce around a wide variety of peace and justice issues unique to their interest areas. Third, to      provide an interfaith advocacy voice in Southwest Michigan.

To act, consider joining an Interfaith Action Working Group that meet monthly to plan and coordinate action for the following initiatives:

Great Waters focuses on preserving the       resource of the Great Lakes by advocating for open access to safe water for drinking and recreational activities.

Green Faith champions environmental justice through taking intentional steps to create “green” communities of faith through environmental stewardship.

Dignity of All promotes inclusion and justice to counter discrimination and discriminatory practice that hinder the well-being and ability of anyone to live a life of dignity.

No Longer a Stranger seeks to create a welcoming space for the stranger as our neighbor and friend working to influence policy through lobbying government institutions for the implementation of fair, just and generous refugee and immigration policies and practices.

Keep the Peace seeks to promote peacemaking through advocating for peace in global conflicts and addressing the pressing issue of gun violence in the United States.

Mediator members who can tell you more about Interfaith Action include:  Linda  Anderson, Bill Card, Glyn Durston (Keep the Peace), Kathleen Hogan-Garrett (No Longer a Stranger), and David Lewis. If you’d like to read more about the work of Interfaith Action, visit www.swmichinterfaith.org

Kathleen Hogan-Garrett