Buck Hunger! Give $1 to the Soup Kitchen during the month of October. You can text buckhunger to 71777, to online: igfn.us/vf/buckhunger, you can put a donation in the collection plate on Sunday (in an envelope marked “Buck Hunger”) or you can deposit a dollar (or more!) in the glass jar in the Bell Tower. Why? One dollar isn’t much, but all of us together can make a big difference to help our neighbors in need. One in every 6 people in Michigan goes hungry and it is a higher percentage in Benton Harbor. Will $1 make a difference? The SK in Benton Harbor did a small Buck Hunger campaign about 3 years ago (with about 6 churches participating) and raised almost $4,000. If we can get all the groups that volunteer at the SK to collect, we will improve that. For many of the needy, the SK is the bright spot in their day, and it is also for the volunteers too. It surely is the only meal some of them get every day. The campaign will end October 31st. The strength of the SK is in the breadth of its support. Over 950 different people volunteered at the SK last year. Thank you for any donations you can make. Janada Steffey
A PSA: Berrien County Sheriff is asking all Berrien County residents to lock their cars and garages at all times. There are a number of people with addictions going into cars at night to steal whatever they can get to feed their habits. While it is especially prevalent in Niles and Benton Harbor, the thieves are starting to go to the resort areas where summer-only residents have garages and houses that are closed up for the season. Unfortunately, some of the stolen items include guns. Please tell your friends and neighbors.
Next Vestry Meeting: October 20