Dear Friends in Christ,

 As directed by our Michigan Episcopal Bishops, our Church and the building is closed until at least May 10. What does this mean? There will be no in-person Worship, no meetings, or no set up of any kind. I am asking that no one enter the church even if you have a key. Entry prior to May 10 must be pre-approved by the Rector and Senior Warden.

I invite you to listen and see my twice weekly messages on our Facebook page, Episcopal Church of the Mediator. If you haven’t liked our page, please consider liking it and enjoying my messages and videos. For those that do not use Facebook, we will post my messages on our website. Please look for an email with a website hyperlink to my weekly messages. (This last sentence would only be added if we were to choose what I listed in the last paragraph of this email)

The Episcopal Church of the Mediator family holds you in prayers and is very concerned for you, your family and your safety. Please call me, The Reverend (Mother) Darlene Kuhn, at 269-469-6794 or email me at I welcome an opportunity to visit with you whether on a call or through email. You may also call our Wardens, Paul Cromheecke (Senior Warden) at 630-740-3105 or Jan Anderson (Junior Warden) at 269-363-2263 in an emergency or if you need help.

With the Love of Christ,
Mother Darlene Kuhn+