Lay Ministers for Today’s Service:
Chalice Bearers: Judy Joseph &
Reader: Donna Mitchell
Ushers: Max & Ruth Merrifield
Crucifer: Marilee Roth
Altar Guild: Nancy White
Bread for Communion: Laverne Hughes
Coffee Hour: Carol Grant & Bil Kiersch
Sunday Vestry Person: Sandy Glick
Counters: Mary Emrich & Peggy Lefebvre
Organ: Julie Bender
Opening: Hymn # 717
Sequence: Hymn # 594
Offertory: Hymn # 718
Communion: Hymn # 719
This Week’s Prayers: Give healing, strength, and encouragement to: Family & friends of David Gagnon, Rev. Ken Garrett & Mary Lou Garrett, Jan Anderson, Austin Anderson, Family & friends of Rev. Wayne Nicholson, Donna Rentas, Family & friends of Rick Wales, Joan Durren, Carolyn Kruse & family, Laverne Hughes, Julie Taylor, Family & friends of Dorothy Sovern, and Rev. Brenda Ludwig.
Continuing Prayers: Sarah Woolcock, Baby Ren, Brady McKay, Terr7 & Judy, Mary, Lance & Carol Alberti, Vickie Wagner, Jack Norris, Norm Crawford, Grace DeBest, Amy Durren, Christy & family, Bob Austin, Marjie Bareneau, Terri & Bobbi Lyons, Kay Verrett, Marge Moleski, Daniel Forker, Ronald & Betty, Alex Trebek, Hutton Markwalter, Austin Maynor, Glyn Durston, Patricia Rees, Olivia, Jeanne Sandman, Ftr. Frandsen, Marianne Williams, Rev. David Brower, Butch Schrenk, Scott Writerman, Ray & Dorothy Lay, Marijka, Phyllis Norris, Greg VanHartsvelt, Ric Anderson, Ibrahim Parlak, Marilyn Wagner, Lisa Wright, Bart Kruse, Linda Rudzinski, Lee & Phillip, Karin and family, Cindy Durston, Refugees throughout the world, Amy Moore, Ronee & Dan, Briley Anderson, All cities without clean water, Peg Wolf, Jack Campbell, Marjorie Weers, Angie, Carolyn, Mary Brockway, Preston Miller, Cleo, Mary Ann, All victims of gun violence, Carlynn, Eileen, Jane, Rob, Leslie, Dick & his wife & daughter, Jane, Erin Bennett, Gayle, Eric, Miss Ivon Case & Mythias, Harold Russell, Joan and
Michael Swiergosz.
Diocesan Prayers: We pray for: Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop; Whayne Hougland, Bishop of Western Michigan; for our partner dioceses and their bishops, Wendell Gibbs, Bishop of Michigan, The Rt. Rev. Cate Waynick, Bishop Provisional of Eastern Michigan, Bishop of Eastern Michigan, Julio Holguin, Bishop of Dominican Republic; Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury; Craig Satterlee, Bishop of the North/West Lower Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA); for Big Provincial Gathering (Kalamazoo) and Province V Synod Delegates; EDWM Apportionment Review Committee.