One very well kept secret in the Episcopal church is The Church Periodical Club, whose motto is “Serving God’s People Through the Written Word”, and has been in existence since 1890. The Church Periodical Club is an Episcopal institution; its ministry is to make grants that supply written materials of any type free to those who cannot otherwise obtain them. All grants are funded through donations from individuals, churches, and organizations. The National Books Fund (NBF) makes grants that provide religious and secular written materials primarily for adults while the Miles of Pennies Fund (MOP) provides grants for children from birth through high school.
For more information, you can visit the national website at
The Church Periodical Club Prayer
Bless O Lord, The Church Periodical Club, that it may be an instrument for the spread of your Word throughout the world. Grant to its officers wisdom and patience, to its members perseverance and the spirit of sharing that asks no return. Bring more to take part in its mission and ministry. Bless our gifts and those who receive them, to the enrichment of individual lives, that we all may be servants of the risen Lord. Amen.
Contact Marilee Roth for additional details or questions. Marilee’s contact information is available in the current Parish Directory.